Friday, July 4, 2008

The Girl Effect

The project that I work for back in the states is writing a book right now. My boss sent us all this link saying that the movie conveys the message of our book. Please watch it, and please take a look at the project website. It's one of the few projects and causes that I can stand behind wholeheartedly, and I'd love for you to become part of it.

My friends and I spent some time planning a "forgive America" party for last year's fourth of July. It was perhaps one of the better plans for an Independence Day party ever made, the main idea being to forgive America for some of the things in its past, and express appreciation for other things about it. I like the idea of celebrating holidays in nontraditional ways, and I think that it would be in line to consider what you will do for this 4th of July. I like the idea of enabling myself (and maybe even others) to change and progress, or break off or become independent from the way that I've become accostomed to living. While I think that there are certain eternal truths, much of our existence would improve by creative living - breaking off from the norm and trying to do things a better, different way. This 4th of July, I've decided to try to reduce the amount I consume, and to be more honest with my time and money in spending it for truly worthy causes or in appropriate ways. I am refusing to give myself permission to be mediocre according to what I believe is right and true.

What will you do?


Thirdmango said...

Remind me to tell you about holidays for me growing up. Much different then the norm.

Jordan said...

I liked the "video." And I know I've heard about something similar before. The small-loans principle. It seems like some dude started doing that in some third-world country, and it started to spread.

My question is, why a girl, specifically? What's the guiding principle behind that? I would assume that the quiet brilliance of mini-loans to people in third-world countries would be effective if applies to any capable individual.

Tom Finnigan said...

My plans for the 4th include lighting stuff on fire, some explosions, and eating lots of meat.. ;)

Jessica said...

My understanding of "WHY A GIRL" is that statistics show that women in third world countires are most concerned with the the future of their children and themselves. This is not a take all in statement. But given a group of men (in the 3rd world is what I have seen) money and give women the same amount. The money given to women almost entirely went to the family where as men tended spend the majority on themselves, including a high amount on booze. And women in general are more often pay back loans.

Secondly, women often in these areas do not have access to any capital. They often do not have an inheritance, and in some cultures are a financial burden because of dowries. That is kind of the idea of all micro-loans to women.


Unknown said...

i love the video.
i love the idea.
i love your blog.

rubi said...

i LOVE this video!
have you read the book three cups of tea? i think you might like it.