Most of my photos actually didn't turn out very well... it looks like my camera is becoming progressively more broken. However, I got a few good shots and will hopefully post some of my favorites from others on the trip as I receive them.
I am sitting here in the smelliest jeans imaginable writing after 22 hours of transit home and a day of work, but I have to brace you, readers, for what is coming.
I think that looking back on this trip, I will decide that it was one of the more important trips of this part of my life. We all need a personal renaissance from time to time, and I believe that this has been one of mine. The things I saw, heard, and thought about around and during this trip to Poland have led me to a series of conclusions about my life and how I've been living it.
There are a lot of things that I have been putting off because I "don't have the time right now" or "there are just better things to be spending my time and money on." While I still think it's important to choose carefully how we spend time and money, I am tired of putting off the things that I have been putting off since I was in high school. They're not going to go away, so I might as well dive in.
The two largest things I have been putting off for memorable recent history are reading and learning more about non-classical music. I have a reading list as long as the distance between the airport I was re-routed through and my house in Liverpool, and mental notes on twice as many artists.
I am also trying to apologize less for doing what feels honest to me.
My point in telling you these things is that you may find my blogs touching on subjects that make you uncomfortable... force you to take a hard look at the way you're living your life... and perhaps even invite lasting and unexpected change. I'm not going to preach, but I will be using this as an outlet for my musings on the books I read in the next two months, from Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close to Mountains Beyond Mountains to The Iliad to Into the Wild to Pathologies of Power.
I hope you will still be my friend while I explore the books and songs and movies that have been waiting far too long for me. I'm not sure how it will be.
"i accept chaos. i am not sure whether it accepts me."
Stop it. Stop being the coolest person that I know. Seriously thought, don't stop because I cannot wait read about what you have to say.
You tend to say things very clearly and well, so bring it on.
Also, I have no idea if you were joking or serious about the dreadlocks...
Please make me feel uncomfortable. I like being challenged by your thinking. Don't apologize.
Thinking is the best. Also if you need help on your musical journey, I can continue to help. As you know. I am the Music Man.
P.S. Not only did the photos I take turn out badly, but Poland is the country where I took the least number of photos, and not one of myself. We visited Krakow and Auswitz and my experiences in Poland ares some of my most memorable, or at least the most absurd, from our trip. Funny that there isn't much visual evidence of it.
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