Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NPR Radiolab did a piece on sleeping...

... so did xkcd. Thanks, Thelms.


Luke said...

it's true. dreaming is extremely bizarre. at least when i think of my dreams, which often involve skeletons beckoning me to enter abandoned mineshafts, my grandma turning evil and locking me in the basement, and playing sports that make me twitch my limbs embarassingly in my sleep. why, i ask! i submit this to godless evolutionists, fundamentalist creationists, and everything in between.

Thirdmango said...

For a while there I decided to keep a dream journal. I did it for about a year and part of my mission too, because I was doing it I was able to remember more and more of my dreams. Conclusion: I have messed up dreams. Plus I never realize I am dreaming and no matter how messed up my dream is, my mind perceives it to be reality. So it either sucks or rules to wake up from my dreams.

Jo Bradford said...


lia said...

oh, brilliant!!

i tend to fall into rem within minutes of being asleep (which i've heard is an indication of severe sleep deprivation, but that's a different story) and always find it rather disorienting when it's during the middle of a class or discussion.

and even stranger: the fact that having birthed in dreams, or having flown, or walked about naked, i feel pretty confident in talking about those events as having lived through them. socially accepted hallucinations?