Today is the 24th of August.
According to MyForecast, there have been 23 days of precipitation in August. And today isn't over yet.
July had 23 days of precipitation.
June had 22.
May had 22.
So it seems I may have exaggerated slightly. But I maintain that I was traveling for at least some of them. Speaking of traveling, I must admit in fairness that most days have brief moments of sun as well. However, I am usually not traveling (via B-M-double-pied) to or from work in the aforementioned moments. As a result, I often arrive looking like this and smelling of mildew.
I was also lamenting yesterday that I had not had a chance to use the swimsuit I brought with me at all. Perhaps I should wear it to work Tuesday. I never thought I would say this, but I am looking forward to going back to Utah if only for this reason (and my lovely friends, of course). I also now feel more keenly my freudian misunderstanding of the lyrics to the song I thought was "I saw the sun."
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