Friday, August 8, 2008

Wrist Slap!

It was the best of blog times, it was the worst of blog times. I have been so exceedingly busy, as evidenced by the fact that I've been chained to my computer. Here are some pictures, because I know that's really what you're here for.

I got a new camera.

I went to France. This is me and John Lennon (not to be confused with Lenin).

This is my niece (well, one of them).

This is a berry that nobody can identify. It is not a strawberry.

This is a horse. Oh, and my niece and frere-in-law.

I notice strange things:

He is in repose. Everything is illuminated? Anyone? I paid Jaron's respects, which he didn't remember us talking about in the end, but I'm still glad I paid someone's respects. Poor man.

I can't really say why, but I love the colors in the Paris airport lounges.

1 comment:

Ben said...

That berry looks alot like an Indian Strawberry or a mock strawberry or an Indian mock strawberry.