Saturday, May 10, 2008

Amnesty, Burma, and the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool

Liverpool has an exceedingly large number of churches. As my housemate Sabrina put it, in France you would always visit large, old churches with stained glass, etc. If you did that here, you would never finish. They're everywhere. Some have been turned into youth or community centres, pubs, or just monuments. Apparently, this one was bombed out in the war and left as a memorial.

The metropolitan cathedral, however, makes choosing some to visit much easier by drawing an immense amount of attention to itself in height and design. A famous landmark in Liverpool, the symbolism is rife in its construction. Without waffling on about everything, I'll say that the main one is a crown of thorns and let you figure out the rest.

In the Amnesty Chapel, I saw these and thought of thelma:

Please read more about Burma and its current state of affairs here. Respond appropriately.
It was a beautiful cathedral. I think we could all learn from the reverence that they maintained there - it made me feel a way I neglect to feel at church some weeks.

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