Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Some things come in twos...

I've noticed recently that my posts have been two-themed recently. Well, not today. I have one thing, and then one other thing.

One thing:

Check out the view outside my window at work! I actually haven't gotten around to figuring out what it says yet (crazy amount of self-control as I've been exceedingly busy but exceedingly curious) so we're at about the same place there.

Other one thing:

I was walking the other day to/from work and noticed this nursery school. This is why I do not want to have city kids. There is something supremely depressing about the idea of a child's playground being less than a meter wide and surrounded by tall metal fence with barbed wire on the top. It's unkind to little souls.

With those things that are one thing and one other thing, I am off.

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