Saturday, May 10, 2008

The SuperLambBanana - get it here first.

While looking for a place to live, I passed the SuperLambBanana without knowing what it was. I quickly find out while researching things to do in Liverpool and, realizing my folly, decided to return for a better look. After learning more about the background, I developed a new respect for the SuperLambBanana. It manages to be simultaneously aesthetically interesting and raise the issue of the possible effect of GMOs while not taking itself too seriously. I mean, we're much more likely to have an ape-le. Obviously.

I am super pumped that starting June 16th there will be about a hundred SuperLambBananas throughout Liverpool! I saw a teaser in a shop.

I feel a photo series coming on.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

oh em gee! I cannot wait for more of these Superlambananas! This has been the best news I've had all day.