Saturday, May 10, 2008

A guide to the next few posts (Saturday)

I had an extremely eventful and picture-filled day and decided to break it into several posts, as many of these things have been things I've been thinking about for a while and just got the chance to photograph today. Many people have asked me what Liverpool is like, which is an exceedingly difficult question to answer succinctly. Perhaps this will help you understand some of what I've learned so far.

Also, I got some complaints about there not being any pictures of me... which is difficult, considering I usually go places alone. Please accept this photo as penance for my lack of interest in having pictures of myself.



Anonymous said...

hey, where do you from?
can you understand my posts?
cyaa :)

Anonymous said...

are you a lonely girl?

girl with freckles said...

I'm actually not lonely, but thank you for asking kind sir. Best of luck to you in your search for a better country.

Thirdmango said...

Ha Ha, are you lonely? But I know what you mean, most of my Boston pictures so far don't have me in them.